
All events and news in the field of Land management, GIS and Remote Sensing. A contribution to sharing additional knowledge in this area with people working in private and public organizations.

Earthquake prediction: A study reveals electromagnetic anomalies in the ionosphere.
Is it possible to predict earthquakes? It is still an open question. An INGV study published in the journal Nature -...
hydrogeological instability: continuous monitoring of critical areas in Sicily with Cosmo-SkyMed radar satellite
By using high definition images of Cosmo-SkyMed satellite ENEA and Planetek Italia will detect landslides and any '...
Smart City Awards 2019 Barcelona: Rheticus awarded with Hera Group use case
A new reward for Rheticus®, the satellite based monitoring service developed by Planetek, which was awarded the Urban...
Prisma: Earth like you've never seen it before
The first images from the Italian Space Agency satellite were presented in Le Bourget, Paris, 18 June 2019. Captured by...
EEA awards contract to Planetek Italia for the new Copernicus product on Coastal Zones
European Environment Agency awards contract to Planetek Italia for the first Very High Resolution Copernicus product on...
Planetek and Hera Group at HxGN Live in Las Vegas
An all-Italian best practice have been featured at HxGN Live 2019, the international event organized by the Hexagon...
PRISMA satellite successfully launched
The PRISMA Earth observation satellite will provide hyperspectral images of Earth. Planetek Italia also contributed to...
Planetek Italia: 25 years devoted to simplifying the complexity of Space
In 1994, four young professionals believed in the potential of Earth Observation and geospatial information to do...
The Ever Growing Uses of Copernicus Across Europe’s Regions
In the frame of the Copernicus4Regions initiative, launched by the European Commission, the European Space Agency and...
Planetek at the EUGENIUS Final Workshop
The EUGENIUS association held the final workshop of the H2020 EUGENIUS project the 23rd of October in Brussels....
