Province of Foggia

Province of Foggia

Integrated vector and raster cartography on the Web

The Province of Foggia Administration, together with the editing of the Territorial Plan of Provincial Coordination (PTCP), has published a Web portal that both provides information always up-to-date and offers a wide-ranging cartographic section related to the Territorial Information System. The web site, available at the address, allows to browse through geographical information and thematic cartography of the Plan, with vector themes served by ArcIMS together with raster layers served by Image WebServer.

In the framework of the PTCP has been a web portal of the Province Territorial Coordination Plan and of the databases used when designing of the plan.

The website is made of 5 thematic sections which are the subsystems of the plan.
Each subsystem provides a number of thematic tables and each table is composed by both vectorial layers served by ArcIMS and raster layers served by Image Web Server. Users may associate the table viewing and a free navigation to create its own thematic map by choosing from all the layers available.

The database has been prepared as a shape format with ArcView and raster data saved in ECW format with ER Mapper. The entire project has been customized with Cart@net to satisfy the peculiar needs asked by Province of Foggia. The WebGIS site of the Province of Foggia