Testing Blockchain based approaches to support the different verification elements needed to guarantee the integrity of the satelite data and the analysis.

Earth Observation derived information are increasingly being used as the basis for a range of sensitive decisions linked to commercial operations, public safety and environmental security.

At the same time, developments in ICT capablity enable an expanded volume of information to be generating using distributed approaches such as cloud based storage and processing and platform based interactions, use of algorithms and proprietry datasets. This makes guaranteeing the integrity of both the data and the derived information more and more diffficult.

This CTEO (CryptoTradeable EO) project is testing various Blockchain based approaches to support the different verification elements needed to guarantee the integrity of the data and the analysis.

In particular, CTEO project is investigating and testing approaches for dividing, encrypting and distributing large datasets (typical EO imagery) to a group of peers (e.g. in the ground segment and on-board).

The goal is to enable tradeable distributed processing, encrypting and distributing metadata in the peer-to-peer network, with guarantee of correct association to the related datasets, signing and uniquely identifying smart contracts (this may be also full-fledged algorithms) based on their input requirements and output products so that the P2P network can guarantee processing traceability and security, and implementing a runtime environment suitable for running EO smart contracts, which is able to perform processing with specific execution time constraints, storage constraints, device usage constraints, network usage constraints, metrics constraints applied to output quality.

Learn more on https://eo4society.esa.int/projects/cteo-cryptotradeable-eo/