All events and news in the field of Land management, GIS and Remote Sensing. A contribution to sharing additional knowledge in this area with people working in private and public organizations.

Alta Murgia National Park reporting on burnt areas during summer 2017
Satellite, sighting towers and community collaboration. Inside the Alta Murgia National Park, the fight against fires...
Satellite, sighting towers and community collaboration. Inside the Alta Murgia National Park, the fight against fires...

Planetek’s new distribution agreements for TripleSat and RADARSAT-2 images
Planetek has signed two Distribution Agreements with the companies Twenty First Century Aerospace Technology (21AT Asia...
Planetek has signed two Distribution Agreements with the companies Twenty First Century Aerospace Technology (21AT Asia...

Rheticus Wildfires wins Hexagon Geospatial's M.Appathon 3.0 contest
Rheticus® Wildfires is the winning Smart M.App of the Hexagon Geospatial M.Appathon 3.0. The award was assigned during...
Rheticus® Wildfires is the winning Smart M.App of the Hexagon Geospatial M.Appathon 3.0. The award was assigned during...

EO4GEO space/geospatial sector skills alliance supporting Copernicus user uptake
Recently approved by the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), EO4GEO is a new project fund...
Recently approved by the EU Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), EO4GEO is a new project fund...

Planetek strengthens its alliance with Polish space companies
Planetek Italia has signed an alliance with two Polish companies, Creotech Instruments SA and Wroclaw Institute of...
Planetek Italia has signed an alliance with two Polish companies, Creotech Instruments SA and Wroclaw Institute of...

Building a Simple Answer to a Complicated Subsidence Problem
Identifying where leaks in underground pipelines occur is a vital and expensive task. Satellite radar technology can...
Identifying where leaks in underground pipelines occur is a vital and expensive task. Satellite radar technology can...

Monitoring the health of underground infrastructure from Space in the UK
Monitoring the health of underground infrastructure from Space in the UK Identifying where leaks in underground...
Monitoring the health of underground infrastructure from Space in the UK Identifying where leaks in underground...

Interview with 2017 EARSC Company Award winner
Planetek Italia is the winner of the fourth edition of the EARSC Company Award 2017. The company was selected and...
Planetek Italia is the winner of the fourth edition of the EARSC Company Award 2017. The company was selected and...

The Italian way to fill the gap between New Space and New Tech
October 9th, Rome, Italy– With the endorsement of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and in the frame of ESA’s ARTES...
October 9th, Rome, Italy– With the endorsement of the Italian Space Agency (ASI) and in the frame of ESA’s ARTES...

Rheticus at INTERGEO 2017 with Hexagon Geospatial
INTERGEO 2017 will be held next 26-28 September in Berlin, Germany. INTERGEO is one of the most important events in the...
INTERGEO 2017 will be held next 26-28 September in Berlin, Germany. INTERGEO is one of the most important events in the...