The objective of the Pon project "RESO - REsilience and Sustainability of the fruit and vegetable and cereal supply chains to enhance the territories" is to transfer technologies and skills from the North to the South, applying them in the areas southern regions, in particular in Puglia, Basilicata and Calabria, research already validated on various supply chains.
The RESO project addresses the critical issues underlying the delay in the agri-food supply chains (stone fruit, cereals, legumes) as key infrastructures of the Agrifood area of the Southern Regions involved (Basilicata, Puglia, Calabria and Campania). These critical issues concern primarily:
- The susceptibility of production systems to biotic and abiotic factors also resulting from excessive exploitation of natural resources (soil, water)
- Reduced competitiveness of the companies involved in the supply chains
- Poor valorisation of products from southern supply chains in commercial terms
The RESO project started on January 2022 and includes 19 partners distributed throughout Italy, led by the University of Basilicata. The project involves an overall investment in Research and Development of €8,791,000.00, of which approximately €4,183,000 financed by the MIUR, for a period of 30 months.
In each supply chain of interest to the RESO project, the research attention is aimed at three directions:
- Process innovation: definition of innovative management protocols capable of improving soil functions, reducing environmental impact and using water resources efficiently; development of innovative production cycles of nursery material; increase in the use of innovative technologies for managing cultivation practices (DSS, precision farming, etc.); increased traceability of resilient production systems;
- Product innovation: new plant varieties tolerant to biotic and abiotic stress; increase in the nutritional value of existing varieties; new varieties for industrial processing;
- Service innovation: transfer of innovations to other businesses; new connection platform between resilient production systems and consumers/society to stimulate demand for sustainable products and so on.
Planetek role in RESO
- Precision farming implementation:
- for monitoring the phenological development of crops connected to biotic and abiotic stresses;
- for the zoning of agricultural fields into homogeneous areas where the use of water for irrigation, the distribution of fertilizers, etc. can be made more efficient.
- to optimize the sustainability and environmental impact of agronomic practices.
- Study, in the experimental fields of the project, of the potential correlations between hyperspectral acquisitions (in particular of the PRISMA constellation) and the organic substance content of the soils.
- Use of multi-temporal series of multispectral satellite images to map the seasonal dynamics of the landscape for the purposes of tourism development of fragile territories, contributing to the definition and production of tourist attractors (not only landscape but also food, stories, points of interest, etc.) that enhance the territory and the supply chains covered by the project.
Project partners
Università della Basilicata (Coordinating); ALSIA – Agenzia Lucana di Sviluppo e di Innovazione in Agricoltura; Università di Bologna – Alma Mater Studiorum; Università di Salerno; Università di Verona; Università Politecnica delle Marche; Apofruit; La Generale - coop cerealicola; Barilla; Molino Andriani spa; con.cer.- caione op con cer; Di Leo prodotti da forno; Horta spin off univ cattolica del sacro cuore; Agroservice spa; Le Matine coop; Newplant; osas organizzazione produttori sibarit sas; Planetek Italia; consorzio nazionale progea; sele natura coop arl.
The project received fundings from Programma Operativo Nazionale Ricerca e Innovazione 2014 – 2020, of Italian Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca.