Urban dynamics, landslides, displacements, wildfires, water quality. Earth observation (EO) and not-EO free & open data (e.g. Sentinel satellites; INSPIRE data) can today support with great value several application fields.
With Rheticus® platform, the Planetek cloud-based data and services hub, users and decision makers can automatically get these data as geoinformation services and products.
For several applications, such as land or infrastructure monitoring, wildfires detection and perimeter, sea waters quality monitoring, Rheticus® is able to automatically process data and deliver geoinformation services ready to use for the operational or decisional job required by the user.
Professionals, engineering companies, public or private organizations, thanks to this new platform, can advantage from a new way of including geospatial information in their own business. A dynaimc, punctual, accurate information, fastly and automatically updated as a new data is available.
Rheticus® services are available only for subscribed users.
The first service available is Rheticus®Displacement, a service designed to monitor earth surface movements, aimed at monitoring landslides, subsidence, or the stability of infrastructures, such as buildings, roads, railways and engineering works.
Discover now the Rheticus® portal and try the demo data.