EEA awards contract to Planetek Italia for the new Copernicus product on Coastal Zones

EEA awards contract to Planetek Italia for the new Copernicus product on Coastal Zones

European Environment Agency awards contract to Planetek Italia for the first Very High Resolution Copernicus product on European Coastal Zones.

Following the successful Kick-off Meeting held in Copenhagen, an industrial consortium of European Earth Observation (EO) service providers led by Planetek Italia will work for the European Environment Agency (EEA) to implement the new product on Coastal Zones that will enrich the Thematic Hotspot Mapping category of the COPERNICUS Land Monitoring Service (CLMS).

The new products will cover a 10 km broad coastal fringe of land with a total area of approximately 730 000 km² throughout European territory. A LC/LU status layer for the year 2012, a LC/LU change layer for the years 2012 to 2018 and a LC/LU status map for the year 2018 are planned.

The industrial consortium headed by Planetek Italia (Italy), is made up of three other European EO service providers with vast experience and knowledge on the Copernicus programme, namely GeoVille GmbH (Austria), Telespazio Ibérica (Spain) and Planetek Hellas (Greece).

Due to the complexity of interests, directives and natural dynamics in the coastal zones, the EEA has planned the present activity to be implemented by the contractor in close contact with the national stakeholders over the entire project duration” said Hans Dufourmont, of the EEA.

Giovanni Sylos Labini, CEO of Planetek Italia stated: “In Planetek, ever since the company was founded, we have tried to build our offer around a user centric approach which, combined with our continuous effort to innovate, has given us a leading position in the provision of EO based services on the Coastal domain. We are glad that this has also been recognised by the EEA, and we look forward to producing this new Copernicus product together with our partners. We are confident that the final result will provide robust support for Coastal Users in their monitoring, analysis and reporting duties, and will also support  decision makers on policy implementation, in line with the Copernicus programme’s main objective”.

Project details

EEA Contract Award notice