

E-commerce system for satellite data

GISEO is an e-commerce web system for remote sensing products and data, created by Planetek Italia and co-financed by the Italian Space Agency (ASI). The system has been designed to improve the use of remote sensing applications on a wide users base, bypassing the actual limitations mainly due to lack of products tailored for final users that may be not skilled in earth observation field (i.e. planners, vegetation experts, water quality operators, etc.).

The adopted solution allows users to navigate through the site, finding useful information for an order.

Users are able to pay both by credit card and by bank transfer. The products can be delivered by courier or downloaded from the web.

GISEO has been realized taking into account the multiplicity of the possible target users and their needs.

The online sale of satellite products is addressed both to experts customers that are familiar with the use of catalogues and have precise requirements in terms of sensor, date, cloud cover etc., and to non expert customers (i.e. interested in information derived from satellite data, such as land use maps, urban maps, and so on).

Finally, the system allows customers to order data on a particular zone without any requirement on the sensor or on the characteristics of the data. This may occur because they intend to use it for advertising campaigns or to have a look on an inaccessible area.

An innovative feature of the system allows user to buy data and products after selection of an any shaped area of interest and after looking at the related cost.